Richards, Lloyd Devereux

Stone Maidens

A Thriller
336 S. Seiten,Paperback
17,90 €
Inkl. 7% Steuern , exkl. Versandkosten
Lieferzeit: Vorbestellbar

As the chief forensic anthropologist for the FBI's Chicago field office, Christine Prusik has worked her fair share of bizarre cases. Yet this one trumps them all: a serial killer is strangling young women and dumping their bodies in the steep, forested ravines of southern Indiana. With each victim, the killer leaves a calling card: a stone figurine carved like the spirit stones found among the primitive tribes of Papua New Guinea - the same tribes from whom Prusik narrowly escaped a decade earlier while doing field research. The similarity is eerie and, frankly, terrifying; Prusik still carries the scars from the tribesmen's attack. But is the connection real?

Mehr Informationen
Autor Richards, Lloyd Devereux
Verlag Baker & Taylor Publisher Services
ISBN 9781612186054
ISBN/EAN 9781612186054
Lieferzeit Vorbestellbar
Erfassungsdatum 15.02.2023
Lieferbarkeitsdatum 21.04.2023
Einband Paperback
Format 2.2 x 20.8 x 13.8
Seitenzahl 336 S.
Gewicht 325