Tersigni, Nicole

Men to Avoid in Art and Life

96 S. Seiten,Gebunden
17,90 €
Inkl. 7% Steuern , exkl. Versandkosten
Lieferzeit: 5 Werktage (inkl. Versand)

By pairing classic paintings with contemporary captions, Men to Avoid in Art and Life perfectly captures those relatable moments when a man very graciously explains to a woman a subject about which he knows considerably less than she does.

This hilarious book perfectly captures those relatable moments when a man explains to a woman a subject about which he knows considerably less than she does. Situations include men sharing keen insight on the female anatomy, an eloquent defense of catcalling, or offering sage advice about horseback riding to the woman who owns the horse.

Mehr Informationen
Autor Tersigni, Nicole
Verlag Abrams & Chronicle
ISBN 9781797202839
ISBN/EAN 9781797202839
Lieferzeit 5 Werktage (inkl. Versand)
Erfassungsdatum 22.08.2020
Lieferbarkeitsdatum 30.10.2020
Einband Gebunden
Format 1 x 16 x 16
Seitenzahl 96 S.
Gewicht 284