Staatliche Porzellan-Manufaktur Meissen GmbH

Die Zeichenschule 2025

Sonderausgabe 'Kordula Hieronymus', Maße (B/H): 33 x 44 cm, Dt/engl
15 S. Seiten,Spiralbindung
22,95 €
Inkl. 19% Steuern , exkl. Versandkosten
Lieferzeit: 5 Werktage (inkl. Versand)

THE MEISSEN DRAWING SCHOOL - PAINTING TO ITS HIGHEST PERFECTION, Since 1764 Dear collectors and admirers of the Meissen Drawing School Calendar, The Drawing School is the start of a targeted training in the Meissen manufactory. Its existence takes account of the fact that training the interplay of eye and hand is an important practical preparation for the arts and crafts professions. Talent is a good prerequisite, but it alone is not enough to reach the goal. That is why porcelain designers and porcelain painters who have been working in the profession for a long time help apprentices to internalise important experiences in observing, recognising and depicting. In 1720, the 24-year-old Johann Gregorius Höroldt came from Vienna to Meissen to work for the porcelain manufactory. In a very short time he found many recipes for ceramic colours and, what was special, he also processed them. Höroldt lead porcelain decoration to its first artistic peak in the 18th century. Today, the manufactory associates his name not only with the memory of the most creative porcelain painter of the 18th century - he was the creator of most of the decorations that were created for porcelains of the Meissen manufactory between 1720 and 1764 - but also with the founder of the drawing lessons. Although these lessons could not yet be called systematic training, it was a first step. An improvement occurred when Johann Joachim Kaendler joined the manufactory in 1731, at the age of 25, and soon afterwards, in 1734, became model master. In 1740 he took over the direction of mould design in the manufactory and devoted himself to training in this context. He regularly gave lessons in drawing and modelling. In 1743, the painter and architect Carl Heinrich Jacob Fehling from Dresden took over the training of the "Lehr-Purschen" (apprentices). He was the first person to teach exclusively in the manufactory. Assistants helped, successors followed - and so the commitment of individuals eventually led to the establishment of a drawing school. In 1764, the drawing school, known as the "Meissen Art School" and subordinate to the Dresden Academy of Arts, was founded. The court painter Christian Wilhelm Ernst Dietrich was put in charge. He held this office until 1770. After that, the drawing school was again under the direct influence of the Meissen manufactory. The process of changing subordination was repeated from 1814 to 1836. In 1893, the school was even dissolved and gifted students were delegated to the Dresden School of Arts and Crafts. The realisation that an in-house training was the most favourable solution led to the manufactory taking over the management of the drawing school again in 1906. The focus was increasingly on recruiting outstanding artists from the company's own work-shops to teach at the school. This principle still determines education today. One generation opens its treasure to the next. The treasure is knowledge, skill, experience, joy and discipline. After 41 years as a drawing teacher, it is now time for me to pass on my knowledge to the next generation. A new drawing teacher will continue the work I started in 1983. I am grateful and happy to have been able to pave the way for many students to become makers. I hope that you will enjoy browsing through the pages and marvelling. Gratefully, the publisher decides to publish a calendar only with my works for 2025. I wish you all the best and hope you have a happy and healthy New Year. Sincerely yours Kordula Hieronymus Drawing teacher from 1983 - 2024

Wieder ist es uns ein ganz besonderes Vergnügen, Ihnen ausgewählte Arbeiten aus der Zeichenschule Meissen in Form dieses beeindruckenden und künstlerischen Kalenders präsentieren zu dürfen. Diesmal aber mit etwas Wehmut. Denn der Kalender für 2025 ist eine Sonderausgabe ausschließlich mit Zeichnungen von Kurdola Hieronymus. Nach 41 Jahren als Zeichenlehrerin gibt sie nun ihr Wissen an die kommende Generation weiter. Eine neue Zeichenlehrerin wird ab Mitte 2024 ihre Arbeit, die sie 1983 begonnen hat, weiterführen. Wir als verlegender Verlag dieser Kalender sind dankbar und glücklich, dass uns Kordula Hieronymus die ganzen Jahre bei der Auswahl der Zeichnungen für diesen wertvollen Kalender behilflich war. Wir wünschen ihr viel Glück und Freude für ihren neuen Lebensabschnitt und der nun kommenden neuen Zeichenlehrerin viel Erfolg für ihre wichtige Aufgabe zu Erhaltung dieser ehrwürdigen Meissener Zeichenschule. Sie wird sich in die Historie bedeutender künstlerischer Persönlichkeiten seit 1764 einreihen.

Mehr Informationen
Autor Staatliche Porzellan-Manufaktur Meissen GmbH
Verlag Weltbuch Verlag GmbH
ISBN 9783907347157
ISBN/EAN 9783907347157
Lieferzeit 5 Werktage (inkl. Versand)
Erfassungsdatum 30.01.2024
Lieferbarkeitsdatum 05.04.2024
Einband Spiralbindung
Format 0.5 x 44.5 x 33
Seitenzahl 15 S.
Gewicht 513