Heyge, Lorna Lutz/Müller, Evemarie

Musikgarten für Babys - Liederheft 2

Mit CD, Musikgarten 2
48 S. Seiten,Geheftet
19,50 €
Inkl. 7% Steuern , exkl. Versandkosten
Lieferzeit: Vorbestellbar

This "Musical Garden for Babies" extends an invitation to babies of up to 18 months and their parents to join in a musical game. Making music together at this early stage provides the child with nourishment in three respects: for body, soul and brain. Through songs, rhymes and movement games children and those closest to them can enjoy discovering their own voices and bodies. Simple instruments such as wood blocks, rattles and drums lead the child into the world of sounds. Research has confirmed the positive influence of musical activity on the overall development of the child - in its musical ability, its social relationships and its intelligence. A lesson in the "Musical Garden for Babies" is structured around the following activities: greeting and farewell songs - rhymes and games for bouncing baby on your knee - finger games and songs to develop awareness of the body - rocking songs and lullabies - songs for dancing and moving about to - echo games - introducing simple instruments - playing with pieces of cloth - listening to music. The teacher's book contains information on infant development, explanations of the principles behind teaching and plenty of ideas for lessons. The song books with CD make it possible to take the "sound environment" of the music lesson home with you and to keep singing and enjoying the songs with the family.

Hey, Christoph - Hoppe, hoppe, Reiter - Summ, summ, summ - Komm her, mein Bärchen - Balayo - Kumbaya - L.v. Beethoven: Allegro - Bajuschki baju - Der Butzemann - Ping-Pong- Samba - Der Mond ist aufgegangen - Unsre Katz heißt Mohrle - Lydische Air - Das Tickitackitucki-Häuschen - Die übermütigen Beinchen - Mein kleines Segelboot - Wir reiten geschwinde - D. Kabalewskij: Eine traurige Geschichte - Tzadik Katamar (Regenlied) - Schottische Quadrille - Macht die Säge siege-sage - J.S. Bach: Violinduo - Springen - Bandtanz - Blinke, blinke - Tripp, trapp - J. Strauß: Im Kraphenwald''l - Johann, spann an - O kleines Kind - Verstecken - Hejo, spann den Wagen an - Fuchsmusik - Gute Nacht, gute Ruh

Mehr Informationen
Autor Heyge, Lorna Lutz/Müller, Evemarie
Verlag Hohner Verlag GmbH
ISBN 9783937315010
ISBN/EAN 9783937315010
Lieferzeit Vorbestellbar
Erfassungsdatum 16.10.2007
Lieferbarkeitsdatum 03.05.2024
Einband Geheftet
Format 0.3 x 21 x 14.8
Seitenzahl 48 S.
Gewicht 97